What type of pet transportation does OOTO Enterprises offer?

OOTO Enterprises may offer ground services, air or combination of both. Air travel has restrictions based on the airline.
- In-cabin Pet nanny services for small pets that will fit in small pet carrier. It's important to know the maximum size for under the seat in-cabin pet carriers. The airlines should provide the maximum size. Your pet's carrier will be checked by ticket agent. They will check to make sure your pet isn't to big for the carrier.
- Pets as air cargo: pet health certificate and acclimate weather certificate by a USDA certified veterinarian is a must. The current size and type of pet kennel. Dogs and cat might be restricted depending on their breed. Short snout dogs usually are not accepted due to breathing issues.
Ground Transportation
OOTO Enterprises offers ground transportation options. Overnight trips or trips over over 6 hours will require the driver to stay in a hotel. Most hotels only allow up to 2 pets, if your household has 4 or more pets, we still are able to assist. a pet handler will have to come and additional pet friendly room will be booked per a night.
Pet friendly hotels options is based on my client's budget.
Alternatively, cargo van with generator for overnight trips can be booked for several large breed dogs 4 or more. This option must be booked and paid in advance, van availability is the main factor.