What is expected on a pet's transport across the country

Safety is always priority
- Safety begins when OOTO Enterprises first reaches out to the clients. Gathering information from pet's vaccination records, pet travel health certificates (if required), learning about the pet's bad habits and if it has any fears or anxieties. This is for the driving teams knowledge. Example: If the client's dog dislikes children, plans of actions need to be considered at all stops. Hotels that have internal hallways or elevators might need to be excluded from travel planning.
- Every 4 hours of travel, mandatory stops.
- photos and videos (for client and for Pet transporter's records)
- frequent updates or if requested by client (less updates)
- GPS tracking is provided via Google Maps other options might be offered
- Bottled water is provided, client should provide their pet's food.
- bowls and plates should also be provided by client or billed to client. This is an example of a nice pet travel kit.
- Overnight stops at pet friendly lodging, if cargo van is needed for a lot of pets from one pet household or sustainable pet transport option, van must have generator and at least one pet handler staying with the pets while the driver get sleep.
- pet blankets and bedding (clients should provide their own) OOTO Enterprises can provide.
- puppies should have new crates, puppy pads, and new bedding (pet health certificate/ vaccination is required, if not available a signature release from liability will be needed if puppy or kitten hasn't received it's first vaccination. Puppies shouldn't travel before their first parvo vaccination. Check on your states laws and APHIS website. If you find a pet transportation provider that will make an exception, please ask for your puppy to ride solo. Adult pets might not be up to date with their vaccinations and can easily pass diseases or bacterial infection to young pets.
- Planning routes, avoiding construction zone, inclement weather, busy urban areas, or avoiding routes which might lack pet friendly lodging or exits that might be greater than an hour apart.
- Expected travel time: Solo pet transportation often has the shortest driving times because its not dealing with another pet household's time frame. 10 driving hours per a day should be avoided especially for solo drivers/ Please understand if the clients request is 12 hours from pickup to dropoff, Three 30 minute breaks will happen within that trip. Some drivers especially drivers with CDL will stop for at least 4 hours after 8 hours of driving.
- Inclement weather, RadarScope and Windy are very good weather apps for the transportation industry. OOTO Enterprises uses both on routes and other weather apps.
- Rest Area and overnight pet friendly lodging. Rest Areas, pet transporter will make sure its safe to allow the dog on exercise breaks. Making sure other animals and people aren't near the clients dogs. Keeping dogs from sniffing ground for food, fluids or other hazards is important . Chicken bones are dangerous.
Sometimes the clients want budget pricing for their pet's trip. OOTO Enterprises has been known for cancelling reservation at motels due to unlawful activities in economy based motels, conditions of rooms, or conditions of parking lots. A parking lot full of broken glass isn't safe for dogs paws. If the rooms are stained, pet diseases might be present. Great drivers bring disinfectant sprays, however it might not be enough.