: Plane Talk: Traveling with Animals

If you are seeking for pet transportation services via ground or air. Please read the following webpage. Outline and Summary are below the URL
Outline from URL
I. Introduction
- Overview of transporting live animals
II. Animal Welfare Act
- Requirements for transporting cats and dogs
- Minimum standards for cage size, ventilation, strength, sanitation, and design
- Time restrictions for bringing animals to the airline for shipping
- Food and water requirements for puppies, kittens, and older animals
- Temperature restrictions
- COD shipping restrictions
III. Airline Policies
- Health certificate requirements
- Transporting pets as baggage or cargo
- Pressurized holds requirement
- Special fees or excess baggage charges
IV. Tips for Pet Owners
- Acclimating pets to the kennel
- Food and water recommendations
- Sedation precautions
- Reserving a space in advance
- Scheduling non-stop flights and avoiding heavy traffic
- Notifying the airline of a pet in the cargo hold
- Special health requirements for overseas travel
- Identification tags and photos of the pet
V. Conclusion
- Importance of careful planning for safe pet transportation
Transporting live animals is subject to federal and state restrictions as well as airline policies. Owners have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of the animals they send. The Animal Welfare Act sets important requirements, such as minimum age for cats and dogs, adequate cage size and design, proper food and water, and appropriate temperature. Additionally, each airline has its own policies, such as the need for a health certificate and charging an additional fee for transporting pets as baggage. Pet owners should acclimate their pets to the cages, not give them solid food before the flight, not sedate them without a vet's approval, and reserve a space for them in advance.
El transporte de animales vivos está sujeto a restricciones federales y estatales, así como a políticas de las aerolíneas. Los propietarios tienen la responsabilidad de tomar las precauciones necesarias para garantizar el bienestar de los animales que envían. La Ley de Bienestar Animal establece requisitos importantes, como la edad mínima para los gatos y perros, el tamaño y diseño adecuado de las jaulas, la alimentación y el agua adecuadas, y la temperatura adecuada. Además, cada aerolínea tiene sus propias políticas, como la necesidad de un certificado de salud y el cobro de una tarifa adicional por transportar mascotas como equipaje. Los dueños de mascotas deben acostumbrar a sus mascotas a las jaulas antes del viaje, no darles comida sólida antes del vuelo, no sedarlos sin la aprobación de un veterinario y reservar un espacio para ellos con anticipación.