About Page as Seen on Citizenship 29 April 2023

I love pets. Pets aren't considered cargo to me, I considered family members or pets of my own. I assure the pets have a safe comfortable ride in the crossover/ SUV or a leased van. They will never be in the back of a pickup truck or in a box truck that some pet transporters do. Look around on the interstate for yourself, you've probably seen it yourself dogs and cats in the back of pickup trucks on cold, super hot and rainy days. They will never be left in a vehicle overnight.
I stay in pet friendly hotels . The dogs always have fun during the trip. I try to go to state and national parks that allow dogs.
I have drove with Happy Tails Travel Inc for over 2 years. . I hope you consider the veteran owned OOTO Enterprises LLC for your pet's safe, happy, and healthy journey.
1. Citizenshipper Booking Fees
2. Safety/exercise
3. Vaccinations and Vaccination records plus health certificates
4. Hotels
5. Ride Shares
6. Dog Vacations
7.More than 4 pet(s) or giant dogs
8. Driving duriations
9. Accepted forms of payment and payment
10. Pricing break down either solo or pet ride share
11. How do I book a driver?
12. Pet transportation scams, how to possibly spot one. Just because its lowest bid doesn't mean its legit and doesn't mean its a scam. (please read below)
1. Citizenshipper has a booking fee that us drivers have no control over. Please research the booking procedures on Citizenshipper FAQ page before continuing.
2. The safety and well being of your pet(s) is my top priority. At all exercise/potty break areas, I make myself aware of all corners of the area, I look around looking for any type of danger from stray dogs, glass and sand spurs. Any persons looking suspicious, I will go to another rest area, gas station or park. I am constanlty looking for chicken bones or any other food related item on any surface during dog walks, just making sure your dog doesn't try to sneak a snack. I don't allow dogs to hang out near the vehicles in rest areas. Coolant and other chemicals are dangerous to pet, not to mention, I really don't want strangers aproaching me, while I have your pet.
Your pet(s) will always stay in a hotel room during overnight trips with a couple exceptions: 1. Van, camper A/C and generator are rented (giant dogs or one household with more than 4 pets and no more than 8 (depending on size).
No pet is ever left in a vehicle with HVAC shut off and never left overnight. Vehicles are always running when pets are in the vehicle unless refueling.
Dog’s have a fun time with me during exercise breaks, unfortunately when cats are sent with dogs from the same household, the dogs exercise time is greatly decreased unless a pet handler comes with me. Please ask for me to provide a pet handler wso the dogs can have as much running time as possible.
Short and long driving days, I travel under the speed limit, I do pull over during heavy rains, fog and any icy conditions. Please see the driving duration section below.
3. Vaccinations and Vaccination Records plus Health Certificates
All puppies must have their 2nd parvo/distemper vaccination before I transport them (even better if a 3rd is given). All other vaccinations, please follow the drop off locations vaccination requirements Please provide a copy of up-to-date vaccination records. I love the “within 10 days (healthy) pet health certificates”. Up-to-date vaccination certificates come in the unlikely event of an emergency such as a winter storm closing an Interstate and the only safe option for your pet is to go into an overnight boarding facility because pet friendly hotels are not available. Another example or your pet bites someone, An up-to-date vaccination record will minimize complex investigations and minimize other requirements that can be very costly to the pet owner. For Air travel: In-Cabin pet travel or pets as air cargo, please check USDA APHIS Website for updated requirements.
4. Hotels
Standard Pet Friendly Hotels
If your pet(s) have overnight or multiple days of traveling, I will always start my bids with *standard pet friendly hotel pricing mentioned later in this intro (in the footnotes) because these hotels tend to have security, safer/cleaner parking lots for your dog's feet, better sanitization of rooms and hallways for cat's and dogs health than economy priced hotels. If my standard hotel pricing is a little high for you but you don't want your pets in economy hotels, please make an offering price. Hint: These hotels are usually between $120 a night to $200 a night with pet fees. When I make my bid, I have the $120 price in mind. That is the room rates I am searching for when making my reservations. Cross Country trips with clients paying over $3000 your pet(s) will be staying in the better hotels.
Budget / Economy Pet Friendly Hotels ($65 to $120)
If economic hotels are the only option for your pet transportation, please let me know and I can adjust my bid. I will do my best to spray those floors with parvo neutralizing disinfectant spray prior to letting the dog into the room and for cats, I always make sure the hotel is cat proof before releasing them out of their carriers.
High End Hotels- Top Hotel brands that are pet friendly. Hotels over $200 a night before pet fee. These hotels pet fees are sometimes as much as the room cost itself.
RV Vans - Used for pet vacations in national/state parks or pet deliveries that require no pet friendly hotels. Hotels will not be used with this option. This option is rare, its about the same cost as high end hotels.
Cargo Vans with generators for cooling (special use only): This option is for large dogs, or cats with large crates that don't fit in SUV or mini vans, or several large dogs with series 400 to 700, or large bird cages. This option is also used when the owners have a lot of pet supplies to ship. These vans can be difficult to reserve at times, please allow a couple weeks before shipping date.
5. Pet Ride Shares
I love and always prefer solo trips which I define as your pet(s) in your home over 2 households of pets I can do to help you save money. Both combined households must have a combined total of greater than 58 cents a mile. *** Please read the footnote for a better understanding. Economy hotels will be the default
Most pet friendly hotels only allow 2 pets under 60 lbs per room. (standard or economy) Sometimes that is a combined weight of 60 lbs. Some hotels have a weight of 30 lbs. With that said, if your household is sending 3 or more pets with me, I will be adding $200 a night to cover my pet handlers fee (labor cost), and an additional amount for that pet handler's/2nd set of pets' hotel room.
6. More than 4 pets or giant dogs
Sprinter Van (cargo type) with RV like A/C and generator rental is an option. This will help get around the hotel options above because of their hotel's restrictions. Please allow a month to book these types of rental vans.
7. Dog vacations
These are my favorite types of pet transport. I take your dog(s) to National and State parks. We take longer to cross the country, shorter driving days, more pet friendly hotels, the dogs have a lot of fun with me. Usually fall in love with me on the 2nd day. RV Van can be used for this option. Please allow a month for me to secure an RV rental.
8. Driving durations
This is weather, traffic, road conditions and of course your needs but most important, the safety of everyone on the road, myself and your pet. If you’re paying for a single day of travel, Please understand the mileage between pickup and dropoff will typically be 400 miles. I have done greater than that with co-driver/pet handlers. For every 10 hours of road time, please understand, a hotel room is needed.
9. Accepted forms of payment and payment arrangements
• Quickbook invoice (credit card)
• venmo
• cash app
• paypal
• square app (credit card swipe)
• cash
No checks, ACH is accepted but must be paid in full and clear before driver head to pickup. Lets try to avoid this payment method.
I prefer paid in full prior or at pick up, I do take payments for solo pet transportation. Full payment is required for pet rideshare, this is to make sure if the other party cancels or modifies their pickup date, enough funds will available for fuel and pet friendly hotel cost.
When people make payments: Most people break it down into three parts;
• The first payment helps secure rental van/SUV and up front cost such as fuel to get to the pickup.
• The second payment is usually the biggest payment, that covers the pets transportation from point A to point B. It's best to have all Fuel and pet final hotel expenses covered .
Solo transportation under 58 cents a mile can get inexperienced drivers into hardship with the route and can trigger audits with the IRS. Two pet rideshare households on the same route will be no less that $0.29 a mile.
• The Third payment covers any credit card costs that were involved in the trip and whatever I make or put back into the company. It can be paid anytime doing our trip or at dropoff.
10. Pricing includes everything. Fuel, pet friendly hotels, tolls, parking fees (if city parking is required), labor cost (I am the only driver) , pet handler (for more than 2 pets), and never to be over looked; taxes. Instead of adding taxes on to your bidding amount; I subtract the tax amount from the bid total which is on a seperate line (tax) which will total up to the bidding price.
11. How do I book a driver? - Please web search Citizenshipper "How do I book a driver? " for Citizenshipper's infomation on how to book my services or any other of the great drivers on Citizenshipper .
12. Pet transportation scams - If you see bids unbelievably low. Ask those service providers a lot of questions. Ask if they are providing door to door services, are they a broker, are they able to send you photos at every rest stop, refueling and overnight pet friendly hotel visit. These questions may help you avoid scammers. The last thing you need is to have handed your pet over to a fake transportation company, that is in the business of bidding low, then reselling the job; the scammer companies have no intention of doing door to door delivery. I've been a victim of several of those skimming scammers. I was happy that I was able to complete the job, delivering a health pet. However, I didn't make any money on these trips for myself and on a couple occasions, I had ended up in the negative because the bid for the trip was too low. Avoid skimming scammers by having a lot more dialogue with them. If the math doesn't add up, operation cost; are they travelling with many pets, freight, heading home, or too a great pay out gig or are they skimming scammers. ASK QUESTIONS! Ask a lot of questions. True pet delivery companies like mine ; we want to work with people that love their pets, not people that just won't fast quotes without finding information about myself, my company. We want to have question about you, the pets situation (if any), the anxieties, how well do you know them, do they get a long with dogs for possible encounters at pet friendly hotels. These are precious living animals. I also want to make sure I am not about to get a job from another pet delivery company that can't finish the job or doesn't want to for whatever reason. Usually when another pet delivery company tries to sell us their pet transport; its weather related or a pet that hasn't been house trained or very aggressive dog or cat. Dialog is super important.
I've had many drivers over the last few years contact my company externally and asked if I can help them complete the job. "Absolutely not"!!!! was the answer because I want to know if the pet is healthy at pickup and at drop-off. I am liable for your pet from start to finish.
Thanks for reading this.
Founder & driver for OOTO Enterprises LLC
Matthew P
*standard pet friendly hotels - these hotels usually advertise that they have great sanitization practices Examples: Hilton & Marriott Brands; other examples: Comfort Inn, La Quinta .
**budget / economy hotels examples: Red Roof Inn, Motel 6, Studio 6, EconoLodge, Days Inn (some budget hotels have pet fees and deposits)
***current IRS mileage rate is (Beginning on January 1, 2022, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be:
58.5 cents per mile driven for business use, up 2.5 cents from the rate for 2021) From IRS ( pretty close to the operating cost per mile)
Newsroom: IRS issues standard mileage rates for 2022